Monday, May 28, 2012

Three Day Weekend

Like many others, Lily thinks it gives her a good excuse to make bad decisions. She spent a lot of the weekend stumbling around and singing "Call Me Maybe."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Odd Company

Bulldogs and Gators don't usually hang out together. Lily reminded me of this fact right before she stuffed half this thing in her mouth. Minutes later she gagged on it and vomited up a week's worth of food, a month's worth of tap water, and a year's worth of self respect.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Fad Diets

Lily said she wanted to do a juice fast. I told her the vet said it wasn't a good idea. She did it anyway. Three baths and many ruined textiles later, the physical repercussions were washed/thrown away. The mental images, however, will last forever.